Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Art of C Twombly

The American artist Cy Twombly died this week in Rome at 83.  The essence of his work was experience
of presence.  He made few statements about his work except in an Italian journal back
in 1957, he tried to make clear his intentions were not to subvert but elementally human
Each line he made, he said, was "the actual eperience" of making the line, adding:
"It does not illustrate. It is the sensation of its own realization." Years later he described
it more plainly. "It's more like I'm having an experience rather than making a picture,"
he said.  About that experienc-ing he said, "After a work is complete, it's a kind of ecstatic
state, where the painting exists but Mr. Twombly barely did anymore!

 The above is at the Menil Collection in Houston "Say Goodbye Catullus, to the Shores f Asia Minor."   He seemed to love the obscurity and followed his own muses, mostly literary, Catullus, Rilke, Rumi, Pound. Can you tell?
Untited , 2007

Say Goodbye Catullus to Cy, who surely experienced life, now death, as celebration - my own take